Sunday, May 1, 2016

Does Donald Trump Suffer from Erectile Dysfunction?

Trump’s ex-wife used to tell friends about his erectile dysfunction

By David Bixenspan / April 29, 2016
Donald & Ivana Trump (Getty Images)
 From the “Donald Trump is totally going to throw a fit when the coverage of this gets on his radar” file, it looks as if we once again have to talk about his phallus — 23-year-old information about his phallus, no less. Politico’s  “Trumpology: A Master Class” transcribed a roundtable between Trump’s various biographers. The introduction drops this bomb, which was in former Newsweek and Texas Monthly reporter Harry Hurt III’s “Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump,” but has received little attention for various reasons (more on that in a moment).

From Politico:
What broke up Trump’s first marriage? Harry Hurt III writes that Ivana “confided to female friends that Donald had difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection.”
Trump, of course,  has already spent way too much time during his presidential campaign bragging about his penile superiority.

One reason that this information never really got much play was that there was a much more serious allegation revealed for the first time in Hurt’s book: That in a deposition during their divorce, Ivana alleged that Trump had raped her in 1989. Ivana had filed for divorce on the grounds of “cruel and inhuman treatment,” and it was granted. In 2015, Trump lawyer Michael Cohen didn’t help matters by claiming that “You cannot rape your spouse. There’s very clear case law.” That hasn’t been true in New York since 1984 or anywhere in the United States since 1993.

So, given Trump’s objections, why didn’t he sue Hurt, Hurt’s publisher, or anyone else involved? Well, during the Politico roundtable, a discussion about Trump’s various threats of litigation led to this amazing story from the biographer:
He thinks there’s no cat he can’t charm out of the tree, but then when you back him in, he goes crazy. Prior to the publication of my book, he and his lawyer, Jay Goldberg, came to scream at the folks at Norton, mainly about Ivana’s divorce deposition. And they were pounding their fist. You know, they’re very tall guys. Norton’s lawyer was a 5-foot-tall lady in about her 60s. And finally Donald got so frustrated, he jumped up and he pulls a tape recorder out of his coat pocket. He said, “I’ve been recording all this,” and our little lawyer looked at him, and Goldberg just turned like this napkin, white. “You’ve been recording this and you didn’t tell us? That’s not right.” And I’m going, “Yeah.”They walked out and I said, “He can’t sue us now. He’s not going to sue us because they just shot themselves in the foot.”
We’re way past the point where anything about Trump is surprising, right?

[Politico | photo: Getty]

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