Sunday, May 1, 2016

Donald Trump's Son Speaks Highly of His Father During Interview

IN Focus Exclusive: One-on-one with Donald Trump’s son

PARKE COUNTY, Ind. -  Who would have thought an interview with the son of a billionaire who’s running for president would happen in rural western Indiana near an old barn, but if you know Donald Trump Jr., this is exactly where he’d be.

“Very much. That was the way we were brought up,” said Trump dressed from head to toe in camo.

38-year-old Trump, the eldest son of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, was hunting turkeys Thursday near Marshall, enjoying the outdoors.

“It's a big part of my life so I’m a pretty big advocate for the outdoors, for hunting, shooting and fishing,” said Trump.

He and his friends bagged a bird earlier in the morning.

“I did get a turkey we did well,” Trump said smiling.

As an avid hunter, Trump says his father will not add to existing federal gun laws.

“It’s the second amendment. It’s not like it was some ridiculous afterthought 400 years later.  I mean it was the second thing after freedom of speech and religion. That’s a big deal. That’s gotta be protected,” said Trump. "All you’re doing is preventing law abiding citizens from defending themselves. Criminals are not gonna follow the laws.”

Trump says money should be spent on a real solution.

“We spend a lot of money trying to get rid of guns and we’re defunding state budgets to deal with mental health issues,” said Trump.

Trump hopes Hoosiers agree with his father’s stance comes through for him on May 3.

“Indiana actually has the chance to really make a difference in this election. I think if we have a resounding win here on Tuesday, we just end it. I mean, it’s pretty much over,” said Trump.

Trump believes this campaign is making history in American politics.

“It’s just incredibly moving it’s really historical. It’s pretty cool to be a part of it even if I’m only a small fly on the wall," said Trump.
Trump calls his father's campaign a movement.

“He’s just gonna do an amazing job for this country and he’s gonna make people’s voices heard and it’s gonna matter again,” said Trump.

On Tuesday Senator Ted Cruz to choose former candidate for president Carly Fiorina as a running mate, Trump says it's too little too late.

“It doesn't matter. I've never heard of a candidate who’s not even half way to the nomination to announce a vice presidential candidate. It doesn't make any sense to me,” said Trump.

As for a running mate for his father, Trump says there are many options.

"You have to bring in people that know how to play whether it’s business or whether it’s politics so, he’s gonna bring in someone that has some of that experience, but now’s not the time,” said Trump.

Right now, they want to make sure the Trump message is heard here in Indiana and they are hoping to make an impact over the next five days until the May 3 primary.


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