Sunday, May 1, 2016

Trump Described by Some Women as "Sex Symbol"

Wait, Donald Trump’s a sex symbol?

 Photography by Matt Slocum/AP/PA Photos/ Rex/Shutterstock

By Ailis Brennan

Donald Trump is many things, but few of us anticipated the “king of the jungle” sex symbol painted so colourfully by researchers polling Middle America’s female population.

Donald Trump appears to inspire some worryingly carnal reactions in a certain female demographic. A study carried out by pollsters in Pittsburgh focused on the so-called “Walmart moms”, women who have at least one child under the age of 18 and who have visited America’s largest supermarket chain at least once within the last month.

When researchers asked GOP “Walmart moms” which car they would compare Republican candidate Donald Trump to, responses included a “Ferrari”, a “Porsche” and a “muscle car”. When questioned about which animal they would liken to the billionaire property mogul they answered a “bulldog”, a “lion” or, most curiously, “an unpredictable cat”.

"These Moms praised him as someone who speaks his mind, stands his ground, and is refreshingly politically incorrect," the researchers wrote, noting that the study also found comparisons between Trump and “a boxer who stands his ground”

Unsurprisingly, Ted Cruz didn’t come out so well, prompting responses in the animal category as a “gorilla — almost human” or “like a neighbour’s dog — you don’t know if they’re going to bite”. John Kasich was described either as “too sane” or simply provoked a baffled “Who?”

The study predictably showed that these women were dismissive of claims that Donald Trump regularly displayed misogynistic behaviour, including making disparaging allusions to the physical appearance of Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz, insinuating that broadcaster Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her everywhere” at a Republican debate and reminding us all that “it doesn't really matter what [the media] write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

What a catch.


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